Sunday, July 12, 2009

Home again

Why does this always happen....a long long plane ride ruins the trip... After two horrendous plane trips we are now home. Some of the young folks who were leaving made it a point to find us at our gate to say goodbye...a few in tears. ARt and I became mom and dad, and they really enjoyed having us around. The last night of celebration at Marcos'African restaurant with 20 of us had dancing also.. Art got out there and danced and everyone clapped..A sight to see for sure.

This volunteer experience was one of the most challenging, terrific, enjoyable experiences I have had in my 66 years. The African people that I met..and there were many ....showed me the hopeful spirit that is raising up out of South Africa. I close my eyes and see their smile, hear there kind words...then I know that there is hope for South Africa. Thank you South Africa that provided me with so many experiences.

My last day at Carehaven had so many surprises in it. THe staff had high tea for me, complete with a hand made gift and card. THen the ladies sat me down and sang and danced. Bonita came up to me with a small wrapped gift. I had admired her scarf for three weeks. She said that she did not have much to give but she wanted to give me something. She asked that I not open it up until I was home. In it was the scarf that I admired...the best she had. Tanya did a liturgical dance and Omma sang from her soul in this beautiful Gospel voice. The kids made me a bracelet that they had decorated out of painted macaroni. Those were treasures for sure.

I feel that I know the culture and the people of the Western Cape. I am glad that I did this but I am also glad to be home. Thanks to Sarah and Liz...our home was well cared for and Jake was happy and taken care of. Thanks to all who wrote to me. I needed that personal connection so far away from home. I loved the facebook entries also.

So Dianne Reardon closes my portion of this blog..I know Art will have his final words to say tomorrow.

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