Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day two at Care Haven

I could not wait today to get to Carehaven. We again began with prayer and tea...always bushtea to start ones day. Then off to orientation to tell us and show us the way the center works. Each women in crises gets to stay for three days in a room to calm and center and recieve social services. then, if she wants and she does not go back to her man, she moves into the building in a room for her and her children. IF she works, she pays 45 rand a week for this....about $5. If she does not work, she is given oportunity to work in the center or in the thrift store for money..her kids are cared for in the center. They try and hlep her learn skills such as being a clerk, computers, making jewelry, cards, sewing things to sell... because most of these women have no skills and need to feel self sufficient if they are to stay on their own and make a life for themselves. Then they move to a furnished apartment for 450 rand a month...again if they are working. THey are given meals for the first month and then they are on their own. 450 r is about $50 a month. The women are varied ages that I have met there. THe young moms carrying their babies are always interested in some advice. Juanita, my companion from my group, who is in mental health and I will be leading a women's group twice a week, and a skills group twice a week. Ok, you are wondering what skills I can teach...well guess what...card making is one of them so I am in there. Since I do not sew I would be hopeless in that room. They do make beautiful things and they are proud of them. When I do not do these things I love to work in the kitchen with Mama Vickie. Mama Vicki and I have connected for sure. She missed me last night. She is putting off her holiday so she can be with me.....she said "we have so much to share". It is not all of the time that she has a mature woman in her kitchen. We laugh, we sing , we share. She is a Xhosa woman, who lived in carehaven many years ago because her husband abused her many times. So to give back she volunteered there and now she is a worker , paid and gives back> We are already imagining how sad it will be when we say goodbye. She has taught me in two days so much of her people.

Now today is a free afternoon so everyone takes off, us included. THere is no class to attend so five of us have gone to the Canal Walk Mall to shop for phones, clothes, internet and food. TOmorrow our afternoon class is on Aids in we are enjoying the free time for sure. This weekend the younnger set are going on an extreme sport weekend....bungee jumping, zip lining, elephant and ostrich riding. THey are very excited to try these things....Art just says...I have done two of those things already. Next weekend a bunch of us are going around the Cape for an adventure that will include getting up close and personal to penguins called Jackass penguins.

Everyday we pile into vans to take us to our jobs.....we always drive by the poor township sections that I have told you is pouring outside...has been for days...and I wonder how they servive in just touches my soul.

one of our guides told us a new word used stands for the taxis in the townships who have no license and drives anywhere in that township for 5 r...she said never to get into a taxi cockroach becuase they are not stable. Funny isn;t it...
We took a XhoaSA LESSON got it a little but I was click your tongue when you say a Q or C or X...but they are different clicks...the teacher laughed at me clicking away.

So my it is for now.. I hope you are enjoying our blogs. signing off, dianne

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