Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My placement

I learned last night that I will placed at Carehaven...this is a place run by the Salvation Army. It is for abused women and children. I will be helping to empower mothers, do parenting classes and work side by side in a shelter setting. Carehaven enables women to begin the healing process in a three stage setting. Knowing their children are safe...there is a creche(nursery) and a Educare for older children......women receive jobs skills, emotional support, life preparation, aids awareness training...and many more. Those of you who know me well will be smiling right now, because you know what my talents are and you know how perfect this placement is for me. Last year, I worked in a shelter just like this in Alameda and gained from this. So off I go Tomorrow......Dianne


  1. Belated comment regarding your work, Dianne. I just read that 1 in 4 SA women are victims of rape and that young men gang rape as a rite of passage and so I expect that the incidence of domestic abuse might also be high. MORE POWER TO YOU!

    Both of you are my heroes. I love you guys!

    Jessea Greenman

  2. Hi Jessea,
    Good to hear from you. We are loving it here in South Africa. Seeing the townships makes me all the more grateful for all the things we take for granted in the states. As we drove home from placement today we passed many women doing laundry by hand in small tubs. They all have to go to the central water supply to get their water. I saw some carrying five gallon cans of water on their heads, presumably to get the water to their shantie so they could wash clothes.
    Some of the townships sustained major damage during the recent storms that blasted the cape, so some residents went from subsistence living to nothing living. I hope my experience here will remind me not to complain too much when some appliance at home does not work.
